Thursday, June 4, 2009

Happy 33 weeks Lauren!

Today marks 33 weeks. We are thrilled to be here! I've had a busy morning, ultrasound, shot, and then a telecon to follow. I wanted to take a minute to update. They measured her at 4lbs-7oz. She has grown appropriately! We are getting closer to a 5lb mark which in our minds is big enough to take home (that is ultimately our goal no matter how far we go). In the NICU 5lbs seemed to be the line in the sand. So we are at least getting close to that.

So today we celebrate Lauren's weekly Birthday and her growth! I never do get to see a good look at her face, but her feet are all over the place!

Have a good day.

1 comment:

  1. Alright Lauren! I hope she comes out super chunky too! They are always the best to squeeze. I love the pics matt got done for you..especially the close up one of Jake towards the top and Allie's close up at the bottom. So cute. Love you and can't wait to see you and the kids next week.
