Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Well nothing new to report. I didn't know if I would get another cervical scan today or not. Turns out I didn't so there are no new results to tell you about. Things are pretty major changes.

Renee taught me how to knit today so I have a feeling I will be giving scarves for Mother's Day since I won't be doing any shopping. It will be fun once I get the hang of it and get fast at it. It definitely will make the time go by...I told Matt to bring me a sewing machine up here and I could learn to do some creative projects...I don't think that he took me seriously. With as much HGTV that I watch I feel like I should be sewing drapes for Lauren's room or making pillows or something. I guess I would have to rely in Matt or Allie to pick out my fabrics though. Maybe I should just wait and take up sewing when I'm not bed restricted.

After Allie got out of school my sister brought Jake, Allie, and Maddie (my niece) up for a visit. She is brave, but she did it smoothly. They were good and brought me chocolate chip cookies that Mallory and Jake baked today. I have eaten waaayyy to many today. Mallory's been a huge help and it's so nice to have the kids at home and know that they are in good hands. I know it's not easy uprooting a 4 month old and then picking up my duties for 2 more kids, but she's done great!! They love their "Mousie" and I know the kiddos are going to miss her (Matt too). Thanks Mall for staying with them and helping so much. We all appreciate it!

I'm hopeful for many more quiet nights and will update with any new info I get or if I get bored.

1 comment:

  1. Jaime- I'm glad nothing is going on ;). We just saw your dad and bro on Tuesday and they gave us an update too. Brendan is praying everynight that baby Luaryn stays in Jaime's tummy. Love ya, Jaymie
