Wednesday, April 29, 2009

One test down...

Today was a big day for me. For the last two weeks I have not had anything really to report other than weekly Birthday milestones for Lauren. Well today I had a test called a Fetal Fibernectin done. To keep it simple, it's a test done that will yield a positive or a negative result. If you have a positive result, there is a chance of labor happening in the next 2 weeks. If a negative result is yielded you have a very high chance that you will not go into labor in the next 2 weeks. There are other issues of course that can reduce the odds of delivering of course.

My test was done this afternoon around 1:00 and we found out that the results were negative. This news is a huge relief and I will keep on ding what I'm doing. Sitting, sitting, sitting...

Tomorrow I will have a cervical length ultrasound and I hope to get a good look at Lauren and see how much she's grown. I know I'm growing and I hop that she is enjoying this cafeteria food more than I am!!

I will post tomorrow after my test. Who knows when I'll get taxi'd down...they just sort of come and get me.

I do want to thank you who have made trips to visit me. I really appreciate the company and the conversation.

1 comment:

  1. Hey sis! I'm so glad to hear that the test came back negative. I hope you are finding ways to entertain yourself in your hospital bed! I'm telling you Twilight will make your time in the hospital much better! :)I wish I could be up in Stl with you this weekend for your birthday. I hope you have fun! Me, Danny, and Maddie miss you guys and the kids. Maddie especially misses her best friend playing with her and making her laugh all the time! We love you guys and hope we can see you soon!
