Tuesday, May 12, 2009


So tonight Matt brought up the kiddos so we could have our dinner together. Allie showed me all of the things from school that she had made. She gave me an award to hang on my bulletin board that she received from her teacher for helping today. She also gave me a picture that she had drawn. The story below the picture is written (in cursive I might add), "The dog, pig, and hen did a jig!". The picture is in a disco scene with a big disco ball hanging between green lights. There is a radio on the table with speakers on a big pink pig and the hen dancing. The dog is in the bathroom going potty though. I hung it up so I can smile all day when I look at it.

Jake was a little crabby tonight. I do believe he's not feeling his best, but no fever or anything. He was showing off for Uncle D who came by to visit. He would slide off of the chair between the seat and the arm and then pull himself back up using his abs...I'm not going to lie, it was impressive.

Then, my nurse, Cathy came in. He loves when the nurses come in. He just talks and talks. He was asking her what she was doing, telling her about the movie CARS, and after dipping his cantelope in cheese, told her he would walk her out when she was done. After she left he said, "she's a nice lady". I was cracking up.

His little personality seems to be maturing so fast. I miss the days I don't see these things, but they are so special because I can really appreciate it now.

I don't know what else is on the agenda for this week. Possibly a fetal fibernectin tomorrow...it is Wednesday weigh day...big happenings here, I know!! I am scheduled for a NST (Non Stress Test) every Monday and Thursday.

I will post more later just had to share my kids visit.

1 comment:

  1. Jake and Allie have the Jones humor. The Jones family makes me laugh. Uneventful days are good days! :) We are praying for you and Lauryn. Brendan keeps praying keep Lauryn in Jaime's tummy.
    Too keep you amused here's Brendan's funny story: First off he's obsessed with the swine flu so he asks the wierdest questions. Monday night he asked if he could catch the swine flu from touching pig skin? I giggled and said no I don't think so honey why are you asking? He said it's because he touched pig skin. I asked him what he touched and he pointed to his football! Funny, funny!
